Advancement to Fellow of SHEA
SHEA Journal Club
SHEA Spotlight
Education & Training
Online Education Center
Prevention CHKC
Pocket Guidelines
Pocket Guidelines Digital Subscription
SHEA Guidelines Print Bundle
Antimicrobial Stewardship
BACTEC Blood Culture Vial Resources
Baxter IV Supply Chain Disruption Resources
High-Consequence Pathogens
SARS-CoV-2 Resources
Advocate Training & Resources
Emerging Legislation & Regulations
Priority Issues
Board of Trustees
Committee Chairs
Strategic Plan
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI)
Guiding Principles for AI Usage
Disclosure Policy
SHEA Spring
SHEA Foundation
SHEA Research Network
#2141 (no title)
“Bringing Down the House”: SARS-CoV-2 Household Secondary Transmissions
“Not Throwin’ Away My Shot”: Early data for COVID-19 vaccination in previously infected healthcare workers and solid organ transplant recipients
“Stewardship on Line 1”: Telehealth ID and ASP Consultation for Community Hospitals
“The New Antibiotic Mantra – Shorter is Better”, But is Longer Better for Cellulitis?
“The Variants Are Coming”: Emergence of SARS-CoV-2 Variant Lineages in the United States
#VAStewies Looking to #StoptheVanc
Antimicrobial susceptibility surveillance for invasive neisseria meningitidis isolates: Cause for concern?
Are we so Different? Healthcare Workers and Vaccine Hesitancy
Bezlotoxumab in the real world: A retrospective study that may elucidate who benefits the most
De-escalate now?! When can we stop antibiotics in patients with suspected sepsis?
Donor-derived tuberculosis: Don’t forget to screen potential organ donors for TB!
Fighting bacteria with bacteria: Impact of microbiome therapeutic SER-109 against recurrent CDI
Misinformation and Disinformation: Using Social Media to Combat Them
Sound the alarm: An SSI early warning system shows promise
The Faces of COVID-19: Delta vs Omicron Symptomatology
The leaky antibiotic pipeline
The who, where, and what of outpatient antibiotics for COVID-19
Tick-TOC: The time for transitions of care (TOC) antibiotic stewardship is now!
A Little Ceftriaxone Goes a Long Way: Third-Generation Cephalosporin Exposure and Risk of Subsequent Resistance among Potential AmpC Producers
Guiding Principles for the Use of Generative Artificial Intelligence at SHEA
Advancement to Fellow of SHEA
Advancing Antimicrobial Stewardship for Children
Advocate Training & Resources
Always Be Prepared: Supporting Successful PPE Stockpiling Systems
Antibiotic scarring: The persistent effects of common antibiotics on the gut microbiome
Antibiotic Use Optimization Before and After a Hospital Visit
Antibiotics Alone for Acute Uncomplicated Appendicitis: Ready for Prime Time?
Antimicrobial Stewardship
Antimicrobial stewardship – Transplant style
Antimicrobial Stewardship & Healthcare Epidemiology
Antimicrobial stewardship in ambulatory care!
Antimicrobial Stewardship in Outpatient and Long-Term Care Settings
Appropriate empiric antibiotics are associated with lower In-hospital mortality—could rapid diagnostics make it happen?
April 2021
April 2022
Are all individuals with healthcare-associated infections really treated equally?
Are we SINK-ing with Gram Negatives?
ASPs using peer pressure in EDs!
Association Between Children’s Hospital Visitor Restrictions and Healthcare-Associated Viral Respiratory Infections: A Quasi-Experimental Study
Asymptomatic COVID-19 Testing and Vaccination: Always Learning
August 2021
August 2024
Auth Sub
BACTEC Blood Culture Vial Resources
Bacteremic Urinary Tract Infection: Do We Have More Time to Get it Right Than We Think?
Bad bugs – not just a problem in penicillin allergic patients
Baxter IV Supply Chain Disruption Resources
Bedaquiline continues to be a reliable tool in the treatment of MDR-TB
Beware of Cephalosporins and the Increased Risk of C. diff!
Board of Trustees
Born in the USA: The Newest SARS-CoV-2 Variant
Bugs in the Blood: Updates on Gram-negative BSI management
Building on the evidence to stop routine use of contact precautions for MRSA and VRE
Bundle with care: An update on central line infection prevention
Can Reflex Urine Cultures Reduce Your CAUTI Rates? Think Again
Can You CAP-IT? Amoxicillin dose and duration for pediatric CAP
Can you teach an old dog new tricks? Investigating the synergistic bactericidal activity of amoxicillin and cefdinir combination against MRSA
Cefiderocol: Does a new drug bring new successes?
Chief Medical Officers Can Reduce Antibiotic Prescribing
CLABSI Prevention, CLABSI Definition and More!
Clinical value of follow-up antigen titers in cryptococcal meningitis among immunocompetent survivors
Committee Chairs
Comparing localized versus centralized rapid diagnostics in a UK district hospital
Compendium of Strategies to Prevent Healthcare-Associated Infections in Acute Care Hospitals
Cough or sneeze, elbow please? Symptoms associated with a positive SARS-CoV-2 test in children
Could more be better? Use of dual antibiotic prophylaxis with vancomycin and cefazolin associated with lower rates of SSI following craniotomy—one center’s experience.
COVID-19 Cognizance in a Correctional Setting
COVID-19 Disease and Vaccination in Pregnant and Breastfeeding Women
COVID-19 in Infants: Sometimes Severe, but (Somewhat) Preventable
COVID-19 Outcomes in Pregnancy and Pediatrics
COVID-19 Redux: Re-infection Confirmed by Whole Genome Sequencing
COVID-19 Transmission got Crushed in Air Force Basic Training
COVID-19 Update: Variant of Concern Disease Severity and Persistence of Antibodies Following Infection
COVID-19 Vaccination in Pregnancy: Evidence for Safety and Protection of Infants
COVID-19, ‘Safer at Home’… or at Work?
COVID-19: Keeping ASPs on Their Toes
COVID-associated pulmonary Aspergillosis – definitions for an emerging clinical syndrome
Cutting it Clos(er): Non-inferior Comparative Study Comparing One- or Two-day Antimicrobial Prophylaxis after Clean Orthopedic Surgery (NOCOTA study)
December 2019
December 2021
Decolonizing Parents to Prevent Neonatal Acquisition of Staphylococcus aureus (aka TREAT PARENTS)
Default antibiotic de-escalation in suspected sepsis
Diagnostic Stewardship Comes for Blood Cultures
Dialysis Resources
Digging Deeper on Risk for Primary and Recurrent C. difficile Infection in Medicare Patients
Disclosure Policy
Dive into the deep end of pooled testing for COVID-19
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI)
Does antibiotic administration sequence matter in bacteremia?
Does Having a CIC Make You a VIP?
Don’t forget about HPV! Population impact of vaccination on HPV detection in cervicovaginal and penile samples
Drawing a Line Between Midlines and Central Lines
Drug-Resistant E. coli Bacteremia Transmitted by Fecal Microbiota Transplant
Early-Life Antibiotic Exposure and Subsequent Risk of Disease
Ebola Resources
Education & Training
Continuing Education Mission
Electronic monitoring
Electronic monitoring may offer a more realistic measure than human observation when evaluating hand hygiene, a real-world comparison
Electronic Tools to Promote Antimicrobial Stewardship among Hospitalized Patients
Emerging Legislation & Regulations
Establishing a social norm of antibiotic prescribing: Provider feedback reporting in the outpatient setting
Evolving to Better Metrics for Nonventilator Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia: Is Electronic Surveillance the Answer?
Extended-infusion β-lactam Therapy – “It’s Not for Everyone”
FDA Lends an Outpatient Stewardship Hand
February 2020
February 2021
February 2022
First Do No Harm: Antibiotic Risks in Pediatric Inpatients
Follow-up blood cultures for gram-negative bacteremia: pause for Pseudomonas
Gentle “nudging” helps to improve antimicrobial stewardship
Global Burden of Antimicrobial Resistance in 2019
Going Virtual: From Direct to Virtual Observation for Monitoring Disinfection
Guidance on Staphylococcus aureus disease prevention in neonatal intensive care units, a white paper from SHEA
Healthcare Facility-Onset Clostridioides difficile Infection (HO-CDI): Time for a New Adjustment to the Definition?
Hello Burnout: National data on Healthcare-Associated Infections during the COVID19 Pandemic
High-Consequence Pathogens
Healthcare Preparedness
High-tech in Medicine: Promise and Pitfalls
Hospital-acquired infections and mortality worldwide
How does pediatric COVID-19 vaccine stack up in the omicron era?
How low can we go? 3 versus 8 days for community-acquired pneumonia
How Should We Prevent Transmission of MDROs?
How to detect pre-symptomatic/asymptomatic respiratory virus infections: There’s an app for that
ICU handshake stewardship: a high cost for little gain or a small cost for big but unmeasurable gain?
Identifying risk factors for carbapenem resistant infections in hospitalized patients
Impact of reported penicillin allergy on kids
Improved Strategies to Predict Carbapenemase Gene Presence for Carbapenem Resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Improving Guideline-Concordant Antibiotic Use in Children
In Search of CDI: The Plop Thickens, Part 2
Incisional wound therapy, not all they’re “vac’ed” up to be
Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology
Infection is the final battle: the double-edged sword of military response
Influenza Resources
Is Third Time the Charm? SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination in solid organ transplant recipients
It’s daggum hard: UTI-focused Antimicrobial Stewardship Implementation in Long-term Care Settings
January 2020
January 2021
January 2022
July 2020
June 2020
June 2021
June 2022
Keeping our Pregnant Women Safe: Updates from CDC on COVID Vaccines in Pregnancy
Kids’ Corner: COVID Update
Knowledge is Power for Preventing Healthcare Spread of Influenza
Long-Term Outcomes Following Beta-Lactam Antibiotic Allergy Testing
Looking into the Crystal Ball – How COVID-19 may impact healthcare associated infections
Looking to Supercharge your Penicillin Delabeling Program? Give PEN-FAST a Look
Make Take-Out Great Again
March 2020
March 2021
May 2021
May 2022
MDRO Detection: The How Before the Wherefore
Measuring what matters in Antimicrobial Stewardship Programs to Demonstrate their Value
Midlines vs PICCs in the Hospital: Helping the patient or just gaming the system?
Mounting safety data for SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccines
Nasal Swab Sampling in Times of Nasopharyngeal Swab Shortages: An Acceptable Alternative
Neonatal Fungal Consumption – Can We Agree to Disagree?
New targets for UTI stewardship
New Year, New Epi Alerts: Influenza B, Pan-resistant Candida auris, and Wuhan Coronavirus
News from the Frontlines: Implementing an IPC program for a COVID-19 surge facility
No Need for a Party: No Consistent Evidence of Decreased VZV Exposure/Boosting with Universal Varicella Vaccination Programs
Noses everywhere rejoice! Saliva now listed as a comparable alternative sample type to nasopharyngeal swab
November 2019
November 2020
November 2022
October 2021
October 2022
Old and New Lessons in respiratory viral transmission in children
One prescriber’s antibiotic prescription could be another’s problem
Oral step-down therapy for streptococcal bacteremia … it doesn’t have to be a fluoroquinolone!
Outpatient Antibiotic Use in the US: Where We Are and Where Do We Go?
Page Template
Paradigms in Flux: You Really Can Get C. difficile Infection After Laxative Use (and Bad Things Can Happen)
Parental Acceptance of COVID-19 Vaccines: A Big Hill to Climb
Past Presidents
Positive central line cultures may predict bacteremia
Potential Opportunities for Outpatient Antibiotic Stewardship
PPE shortages and reprocessing strategies reported during the early phase of pandemic
Pragmatic COVID-19 prevention strategies in schools: Can test-to-stay replace home quarantine?
Pre-transplant testing: A cautionary tale
Preventing and Controlling Outbreaks
Preventing the Spread of Antimicrobial Resistance
Priority Issues
Promoting Prudent Antibiotic Use in Children and Trainees
Protecting our HEROES (HEalth caRe wOrkErS): Evidence Supporting Universal Masking
Reconsidering Step-Down Therapy to ß-Lactams for Enterobacteriaceae Bacteremia?
Reversing CLABSI Trends From the COVID-19 Pandemic
Risk Factors for Outbreaks of COVID-19 at Retirement Homes in Canada
Safe School Reopening in the COVID-19 Pandemic
Safety Dance
SARS-CoV-2 Resources
End of the PHE: Summary of Federal Resources for the Transition
SARS-CoV-2 Specimen Collection: Self-Collected Saliva as Admissible Alternative to Health Care Worker-Collected Nasopharyngeal Swabs
SARS-CoV-2 Transmission Risk Reduction: Hopes and Failures
Saving lives or sacrificing antibiotics? Selective decontamination of the digestive tract in Australian ICUs
Schools, Summer Camps, and SARS-CoV-2 Transmission
Seasonal Influenza Activity is High … and Increasing
Seeing the (W)hole in Antibiotic Use
Sepsis: The Beta-lactam goes first. Now, which one is that?
September 2020
September 2021
September 2022
SHEA Career Awards
SHEA COVID-19 Response
SHEA Journal Club
April 2023
Changing with the times: refining our mitigation strategies and policies as COVID evolves
Creation of a cumulative antibiogram for rapidly growing nontuberculous mycobacteria
Phase 2 study of a Exeporfinium chloride (XF-73) gel, a novel agent for S. aureus nasal carriage reduction
The Costs of Inappropriate Outpatient Antibiotics
Undisclosed: the role of aminopenicillins for the treatment of enterococcal UTIs despite in vitro resistance
April 2024
(Asymptomatic) Bacteriuria ≠ Bacteremia
At what age should we decolonize our little germ bots? A retrospective study of MRSA decolonization in children under 6 years old
Bug in the Program: Can AI understand implications of bacteremia like an ID consultant?
d-Mannose for Prevention of Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection Among Women: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Does β-Lactamase Gene Detection Alone Predict Klebsiella pneumoniae susceptibility?
The effects of a novel, continuous disinfectant technology on methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), fungi and aerobic bacteria in two separate Intensive Care Units in two different states
What risk factors predict which patients will develop multiple C. difficile infection (CDI) recurrences?
August 2023
Early real-world impact of a pneumonia multiplex molecular assay in antibiotic de-escalation in the ICU
Good night, Sleep tight, don’t let the Bed Bugs Transmit MRSA?
Impact of metagenomic next-generation sequencing (mNGS) of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid on antimicrobial stewardship
Is Shorter Better in Pediatric UTI?
Political Party Affiliation Can Boost COVID-19 Booster Vaccine Acceptance
Scoring Spectrum: More Metrics for Antibiotic Utilization
December 2023
A bedaquiline based second line regimen for tuberculosis displays similar early bactericidal activity as the standard rifampin based first line regimen
Antibiograms Only Go So Far Reviewed
Is something better than nothing? How many ways can we modify hand hygiene practices to boost compliance without sacrificing safety?
T2Candida and potential antifungal use optimization in medical ICU patients in septic shock
Throat swabs may improve sensitivity of COVID antigen testing
February 2023
February 2024
Conservative Interventions for Urinary Tract Symptoms in Men
Early career general practitioner prescribing habits – the kids are alright!
No Need to Have Duration CREep Up
Oral antimicrobial therapy for Gram-negative bacteremia: Have We Hit the “Target”?
Oral Therapy for Low-Risk Staphylococcus aureus Bloodstream Infections: Can Staph aureus be “uncomplicated”?
June 2023
A Rash Decision on Antibiotic Reactions
Antimicrobial stewardship in Urgent Care works!
Are we close to solving the riddle of “long COVID”?
Figuring out what works in outpatient ambulatory stewardship
MRSA Surveillance, now for Kids!
Seven days of antibiotics for UTI-related BSI, but dose wisely
What were we all doing to prevent device related HAIs during the COVID-19 pandemic?
June 2024
Antibiotic de-escalation reduces development of new resistance
Could infants be a reservoir for C. difficile in the community?
Is there room in the stewardship game to even shorten C. diff treatment duration?
Long Term Consequences of ß-lactam Allergies
Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia prophylaxis in PWH
March 2023
Adding to the mix: The impact of antibiotic prescribing feedback at a health-system level in Switzerland
Antimicrobial stewardship programs are associated with reduced antibiotic use in multiple settings globally
Are all rooms cleaned equally: identifying disparities in patients with dementia
Does having an envelope matter? – Transfer efficiency of an enveloped virus, human coronavirus 229E, from various hard surface fomites to finger pads of the hands
Does oral azithromycin administered during labour reduce neonatal sepsis and mortality?
Doxycycline Alone for Mild to Moderate Community Acquired Pneumonia?
Impress you much? Results of randomised trial to improve antibiotic prescribing for suspected UTIs in frail older adults (ImpresU)
March 2024
C-D-I wonder what’s new with our old friend
Maximizing resources in stewardship: Look at the quartiles
Use of Molecular Testing: “From Bench to Bedside”
Using Technology to Improve Surveillance in Infection Prevention
May 2023
Do think twice, it’s alright: Utility of urine cultures in febrile neutropenia after HSCT
Hospital epidemiology is not immune to inequity: Uncovering disparities in CLABSIs and CAUTIs
No need for antibiotics in severe alcoholic hepatitis
Too HAI: Increased HAI diagnoses among hospitalized patients with COVID-19
Update on the Effectiveness and Duration of Protection of a Fourth Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine Among Long-term Care Residents
May 2024
Can we balance resource utilization and antimicrobial stewardship?
Maybe ESBL ignorance truly is stewardship bliss?
RSV vs. influenza among older adults: are rates of complications comparable?
Vaginal and/or oral probiotics reduced recurrent urinary tract infections
November 2023
HHV6 Detection in Pediatric CSF: Real Pathogen or Incidental Finding?
How do critical access hospitals stack up asymptomatic bacteriuria management?
Penicillin Allergy Risk Low? Challenge with PO!
Re-evaluating hand hygiene practices!
November/December 2024
Azole-Resistant Candida tropicalis is putting down roots
Becoming Hand Hygiene Heroes – A Novel Approach to a Hand Hygiene Campaign
Can pharmacist-driven vancomycin dosing be beneficial in outpatient antibiotic treatment programs?
CAP in the Outpatient Setting: Why Broader is not Better
Evaluating the “Bugs” with Expanded Use of AI in Infectious Diseases Patient Care
October 2023
Ceftriaxone or Penicillin for OPAT at Home: Spectrum Versus Cost (and Experience)
I’m a Steward! You’re a Steward! We’re all Stewards!
Page for Phage – Results from a Case Series
Reducing Risk of Nosocomial COVID— Time to Revisit Aerosol Generating Procedures and Admission Testing?
Risk of Mpox Transmission to Child Household Contacts
October 2024
Does establishing the type of infection predict the duration and severity of acute LRTIs in outpatients?
Don’t worry – Be Happy! That the risk of onward transmission from measles secondary vaccination failure can be at the bottom of your outbreak panic To Do list
Infections following gender-affirming vaginoplasty
New randomized trial poo poos FMT for recurrent C. difficile infection
Persistence of Penicillin-Allergy De-labeling
Pre-operative S. aureus bacterial burden is associated with risk of post-op infection
September 2023
Antibiotic Timing Prior to Surgery Matters!
Antibiotic use Without a Prescription Highlights Health Inequities
It’s a ‘Wash’: Reducing Patient Declination with CHG Bathing
Outcomes of inpatients with obesity receiving a BL/BLI combination for Pseudomonas HAP/VAP
P-C-R you sure it’s more helpful in joint infections?
Pandemic and Pediatric CLABSI Rates
SHEA Spotlight
SHEA Store
SHEA Website Policies and Disclaimer
Shedding Light on the C. difficile Landscape: Changing patterns of CDI ribotypes and the association between antibiotic use and hospital-onset CDI
Silver linings: Decreased pediatric invasive pneumococcal disease during the first year of COVID-19
Social Determinants of Health are Painfully Clear in COVID-19 Testing Resources and Outcomes
Social Media Editor
SRN Publications
Stay on Guard: Lessons from a SARS-CoV-2 Nosocomial Outbreak
Stewies Burned by COVID-19
Stool multiplex PCR: Does a better test equal better care?
Surging CLABSI rates during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Surviving a Hack on the Hospital: A Stewardship Program Perspective
The long and not so short of it: Global Prevalence of Post COVID-19 Condition (Long COVID)
The role of the environment in transmission of VRE
The Types They are a-Changin’: Trends in Invasive pneumococcal disease over 17 years of PCV Vaccination
The why of antimicrobial prescribing during transition to comfort care
Timing of central venous catheter reinsertion after catheter removal in patients with catheter-related bloodstream infections
To order or not to order, that is the question… so how can we guide improved diagnostic stewardship interventions for respiratory cultures?
To treat or not to treat ASB? That is the question within 2 months of kidney transplant
To Vaccinate or Not: Adolescents and COVID-19 Risks
Transplant Gets in the Stewardship Game: Duration of Antibiotics and Organ Utilization
Two More “Shorter is Better” Cites for Stewie Rounds
Understanding “Outpatient” CLABSIs
Understanding ESBL Transmission
Unpacking the C. difficile infection prevention bundle
Update on the effectiveness of bebtelovimab therapy in real world setting
Update on the risk of suicidality with fluoroquinolone use
Updated COVID-19 Global Death Toll Estimate Is Three Times What Records Indicate
Vaccine-Induced Immune Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia (VITT) and the J&J/Janssen (Ad26.COV2.S) COVID vaccine
Vaccines all around: ACIP updated recommended adult immunization schedules for 2022
Vancomycin non-susceptibility in clinical Clostridiodes difficile isolates, should I be scared?
Virus Hunters: Rapid sequencing for genomic surveillance of healthcare-associated COVID-19
Wait, so the POET trial could work here in the US?
Waste not, want not: 4 vs 7-day intervals for infusion set replacement of central lines and peripheral arterial catheters
What came first the staff or the patient? – Genomic sequencing reveals silent carriage and potential transmission of MRSA between staff and patients within a NICU
What goes down must come up: Predictors of RSV Resurgence
What works in ASP? Time to Step up Our Game
What’s Hot in COVID-19 Serologic Testing
What’s Hot in Rapid Diagnostics for Blood Stream Infections
What’s In Your Water? Legionella Outbreak at Academic Medical Center
What’s new in understanding monkeypox clinical presentation and transmission risk
What’s new with Staph: Durations, Bundles and Combination Treatment
When can I visit? A review of hospital visitor policies during the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic
Your PPE Sprung a Leak!
Make America Healthy Again Agenda at Risk with Reduction in Force Across Federal Health Agencies
SHEA Supports Key Federal Advisory Committees
SHEA Advocates for Responsible NIH Funding Reforms
HHS External Communications Pause Prevents Critical Updates on Current Public Health Threats
Global Public Health Collaboration Benefits Americans, SHEA Urges Continued Support of the World Health Organization
Dr. David Weber Named Incoming President of the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America
Preparing for The Worst: Healthcare Can Check Readiness for Bird Flu Spread
SHEA Urges Investment Given Rise of Antimicrobial Resistance During COVID-19 Pandemic
Pandemic Preparedness Policy Statements: A Step Towards Global Health Resilience
SHEA Continues to Emphasize the Importance of Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee’s Process for CDC Guidelines
Impact Safe Healthcare this Giving Tuesday!
SHEA Emphasizes Importance of Healthcare Infection Control Practices Advisory Committee’s Recommendation on CDC Guidelines
New Recommendations to Improve Sepsis Outcomes
ICHE Associate Editor
Alternatives to Indwelling Urinary Catheters Help Patients Avoid Infections and Urethral Trauma
New Guidance: Bridging the Gap Between What We Know and What We Do
Updated Guidance Shows How Hospitals Should Protect Patients from Resistant Infections
New Guidance: Antibiotics Should be Halted Upon Closure of Incisions
Antimicrobial Stewardship Programs Essential for Preventing C. difficile in Hospitals
Hand Hygiene is Focus of Updated Advice to Prevent Healthcare-Associated Infections
SHEA Opposes the House Passage of the Freedom for Health Care Workers Act
U.S. Must Consider Broader Measures to Mitigate COVID-19 Transmission
Pre-Procedure and Pre-Admission COVID-19 Testing No Longer Recommended for Asymptomatic Patients
Lessons Learned in COVID-19: SHEA Offers Guidance for Antibiotic Use in a Pandemic
SHEA Statement on Monkeypox
SHEA Statement on ASHE Article Regarding Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health Organization
New Guidance Released for Preventing Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia
New Guidance for Preventing Healthcare-Associated Bloodstream Infections
Pandemic Has Compounded Challenges for Safety in Healthcare Settings
IDSA and SHEA Statement on CDC Updated Guidance for Health Care Personnel Isolation and Quarantine to Mitigate Staffing Shortages
‘Implementation Science’ Critical to Reducing Antibiotic Resistance
Statement on Omicron Variant
SHEA Supports Biden-Harris Administration’s Requirement for Large Organizations to Require COVID-19 Vaccination of Employees
Clinical Considerations in Caring for Individuals Recently Returning and Evacuated from Afghanistan to the United States
SHEA Applauds Biden-Harris Administration’s Requirement that Facilities Reimbursed by CMS Require COVID-19 Vaccination of their Personnel
COVID-19 Cited in Significant Increase in Healthcare-Associated Infections in 2020
National Organizations in Epidemiology and Infection Prevention Say COVID-19 Vaccines Should be Required for Healthcare Personnel
Study finds COVID-19 Death Rates Much Higher in Nursing Homes Serving Minority Residents
Joint Statement on Ivermectin for COVID-19 Treatment
Healthcare Personnel Must Continue SARS-CoV-2 Prevention, Even as Community Guidelines Relax
SHEA and PIDS Response to the Atlanta Killings, Violence Against Asian Americans
High-Speed Air Hand Dryers Spread Contamination More than Paper Towels
Public Health Preparedness is Crucial Element of American Rescue Plan
SHEA Urges Continued Adherence to Public Health Measures to Help end the Pandemic
SHEA Names First Editor for Antimicrobial Stewardship & Healthcare Epidemiology
Most Women Receive Inappropriate Treatment for Urinary Tract Infections
SHEA Releases COVID-19 Research Agenda Identifying Gaps in Knowledge
SHEA Supports Biden Facemask Order and Urges Action on New Research
David Calfee to be Sixth Editor of Infection Control & Hospital Epidemiology
COVID-19 Vaccination of Healthcare Personnel: Updated SHEA Recommendations
Guidance on Non-Specific Symptoms of Infection Aims to Reduce Inappropriate Antibiotic Use in Nursing Homes
State of the Pandemic: SHEA Board Commentaries
Ignoring the Impacts of Inequities Stymies Science
Hospital Floors Are Hotspot for Bacteria, Creating Route of Transfer to Patients
Decennial 2020 Research Sets the Agenda for Advancing Safe Healthcare
Order to Reclassify Civil Service Posts Will Compromise Responses to Public Health Threats
SHEA Updates Guidance for Healthcare Workers with HIV, Hepatitis
Medical Societies Call for Treatment Approvals Based on Science
Healthcare Epidemiologists Endorse Requiring Recommended Vaccinations for Healthcare Personnel, Educators and Students
Guidance Balances Staph Infection Prevention in Critically Ill Infants with Family Contact
SHEA Comment on Article “White House to Target Hospitals for Uneven Covid-19 Data Reporting”
SHEA Statement on Changes to CDC Testing Guidance
SHEA Members from HICPAC Sign Opinion Piece Warning of Dangers of Change to COVID-19 Reporting
SHEA Urges Renewal of National Public Health Emergency Declaration
Healthcare facilities rapidly adapt and refine practices based on new evidence and supply shortages
Recommendations for Increasing Vaccination Rates in Children and Adults June 2020
Statement from the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America on the Public Health Concerns of People of Color
Statement from the Society of Healthcare Epidemiology of America Rebuking Pres. Trump’s Announcement on the U.S.’ Involvement in WHO
Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America Outlines Legal Considerations for Antibiotic Stewardship
New Guidelines Outline COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control Evidence
Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America Publishes Infection Control Education Course
Infectious Diseases Leaders Respond to President Trump’s Defunding of the World Health Organization
Nation’s Infectious Diseases Leaders Send United Message
Infectious Diseases Experts Support Trump’s Use of Defense Production Act
Hong Kong Study Shows Best Practices Protect Healthcare Workers from COVID-19
Poor Cleaning Can Jeopardize Sterilization of Medical Tools
Senate Roundtable Spotlights Need for Sustained Pandemic Preparedness
Healthcare Epidemiologists Ready U.S. Hospitals to Prevent and Care for Coronavirus Cases
Tennessee Review: 2% of Providers Account for 25% of Pediatric Antibiotic Rx
SHEA joins HHS and CDC as a proud partner of the AMR Challenge
Bridging the Gap: Effective MDRO Prevention Education for Post-Discharge Care
SHEA Spring 2025
IDWeek 2025
What is HICPAC? Frequently Asked Questions
Medscape: Ebola Resources
Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever: A Primer
WHO Ebola Site
CDC Ebola Site
SHEA Position Paper: Influenza Vaccination of Healthcare Personnel
Dialysis Safety Resource Center
OWS Therapeutics: Monoclonal Antibody Playbook
Policy Statement on Antimicrobial Stewardship by SHEA, IDSA & PIDS
COVID-19 Tool Kits
Patient, Caregiver, and Visitor Guides for Preventing Infections in the Hospital
SHEA practice update: infection prevention and control (IPC) in residential facilities for pediatric patients and their families
5 Things Medical Professionals Should Question for Infection Prevention and Antimicrobial Stewardship
Improving antimicrobial use through better diagnosis: The relationship between diagnostic stewardship and antimicrobial stewardship
Strategies to prevent Clostridioides difficile infections in acute-care hospitals: 2022 Update
Principles of diagnostic stewardship: A practical guide from the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America Diagnostic Stewardship Task Force
SHEA statement on antibiotic stewardship in hospitals during public health emergencies
Strategies to prevent ventilator-associated pneumonia, ventilator-associated events, and nonventilator hospital-acquired pneumonia in acute-care hospitals: 2022 Update
Strategies to prevent central line-associated bloodstream infections in acute-care hospitals: 2022 Update
Multisociety statement on coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccination as a condition of employment for healthcare personnel
Clinical Practice Guideline by the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) and Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA): 2021 Focused Update Guidelines on Management of Clostridioides difficile Infection in Adults
Disinfection of Ultrasound Transducers Use for Percutaneous Procedures
Multisociety guideline on reprocessing flexible GI endoscopes and accessories
Reliability of Nonlocalizing Signs and Symptoms as Indicators of the Presence of Infection in Residents of Nursing Homes
Management of healthcare personnel living with hepatitis B, hepatitis C, or HIV in US healthcare institutions
Evaluation and Management of Penicillin Allergy
Infection Prevention in the Operating Room Anesthesia Work Area
Infection Prevention in the Operating Room Anesthesia Work Area
NICU White Paper Series: CLABSI, Respiratory infections, S. aureus, and C. difficile prevention
Clinical Practice Guidelines for Clostridium difficile Infection in Adults and Children: 2017 Update by the Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA) and Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA)
Healthcare Personnel Attire in Non-Operating-Room Settings
Duration of Contact Precautions for Acute-Care Settings
Outbreak Response and Incident Management
Research Methods in Healthcare Epidemiology and Antimicrobial Stewardship—Mathematical Modeling
Research Methods in Healthcare Epidemiology: Survey and Qualitative Research
Research Methods in Healthcare Epidemiology and Antimicrobial Stewardship—Quasi-Experimental Designs
Research Methods in Healthcare Epidemiology and Antimicrobial Stewardship: Use of Administrative and Surveillance Databases
Research Methods in Healthcare Epidemiology and Antimicrobial Stewardship—Observational Studies
Compendium of Strategies to Prevent Healthcare-Associated Infections in Acute Care Hospitals
Infection Prevention and Control Guideline for Cystic Fibrosis: 2013 Update
Research Methods in Healthcare Epidemiology and Antimicrobial Stewardship: Randomized Controlled Trials
Implementing an Antibiotic Stewardship Program
Necessary Infrastructure of Infection Prevention and Healthcare Epidemiology Programs
Isolation Precautions for Visitors
Animals in Healthcare Facilities
Guidance for Infection Prevention and Healthcare Epidemiology Programs: Healthcare Epidemiologist Skills and Competencies
Guidance for the Knowledge and Skills Required for Antimicrobial Stewardship Leaders
Policy Statement on Mandatory Immunization of Health Care Personnel
Infection Prevention and Control in Residential Facilities
Clinical practice guidelines for antimicrobial prophylaxis in surgery
Antimicrobial Stewardship: A Collaborative Partnership between Infection Preventionists and Healthcare Epidemiologists
Policy Statement on Antimicrobial Stewardship by the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA), the Infectious Diseases Society of America
Moving Toward Elimination of Healthcare-Associated Infections: A Call to Action
Revised SHEA Position Paper: Influenza Vaccination of Healthcare Personnel
Disinfection and Sterilization of Prion-Contaminated Medical Instruments
Infection Prevention and Control in the Long-Term Care Facility
Raising Standards While Watching the Bottom Line: Making a Business Case for Infection Control
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