Antimicrobial Stewardship & Healthcare Epidemiology

Antimicrobial Stewardship & Healthcare Epidemiology (ASHE) is SHEA’s fully Gold Open Access peer-reviewed journal.  ASHE publishes original research that contributes to the fields of antimicrobial stewardship and the prevention of healthcare-associated infections, as well as other areas of quality improvement affecting health systems, with the ultimate goal of improving healthcare safety. ASHE welcomes submissions in the following broad areas of interest: infection prevention, antimicrobial stewardship, healthcare epidemiology, diagnostic stewardship, healthcare worker vaccination, public health policy, and occupational health concerns including blood-borne pathogen exposure prevention. Articles can represent generalizable single-center experiences or multicenter trials with the goal of serving a global audience.  ASHE is let by its editor team and guided by its editorial board.

Open Access Publication

Open Access is the practice of making published research freely accessible to all. Whilst there are a number of mechanisms for making this content freely available, the Gold open access model used by ASHE requires that the published ‘version of record’ be made freely available to all immediately upon publication, with additional usage rights. As no subscriptions are sold to view the content, such open access journals are typically financially supported through an article processing charge (APC) levied on the submitting author’s institution or funding body. More information on ASHE’s open access policies can be found here.   

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