The Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA) is committed to offering its members and other healthcare professionals the opportunity to participate in valuable educational…
Five medical organizations say it is essential that hospitals establish antimicrobial stewardship programs to prevent Clostridioides difficile (C. difficile) infections. These infections, linked to antibiotic…
Reviewed by Michael Oji, MBBS, MPH, FMCS, FSHEA, NAHAL Consults Nigeria In a bid to find solutions to neonatal sepsis and mortality, authors tried to…
Reviewed by Erica Stohs, MD, MPH, University of Nebraska Doxycycline is a recommended treatment for non-severe community acquired pneumonia (CAP) in the ATS/IDSA CAP guidelines,…
Reviewed by Cindy Noyes, MD, University of Vermont Medical Center Ya and colleagues describe their systematic review and meta-analysis investigating the association of antimicrobial stewardship…
Reviewed by Jen Cihlar, DO, Vanderbilt University Medical Center In this point prevalence study between October 26, 2020 to December 16, 2020, Hsi et al…
Reviewed by LaToya A. Forrester MPH, CIC, National Institutes of Health Clinical Center Studies documenting the ability of nonenveloped viruses to transfer from fomites/surfaces to…
Reviewed by Jose Lucar, MD; The George Washington University Effective system-wide strategies are needed to improve outpatient antibiotic prescribing in the primary care setting. In…
Reviewed by Dr. Michael Payne, MD; London Health Sciences Centre and Dr. Barry Rittmann, MD, MPH; Virginia Commonwealth University Health Systems Because asymptomatic bacteriuria is…
Impress you much? Results of randomised trial to improve antibiotic prescribing for suspected UTIs in frail older adults (ImpresU) Adding to the mix: The impact…