SHEA practice update: infection prevention and control (IPC) in residential facilities for pediatric patients and their families

Current - COVID-19, Guidelines, Hand Hygiene, Immunocompromised Patients, Infection Prevention, Institutional Policy, Mpox, Patients, Pediatrics
SHEA, endorsed by PIDS
November 14, 2024

Update to the SHEA 2011 infection prevention guidance for pediatric residential facilities that refreshes the literature and recommendations for the topics covered in the 2011 document, as well as guidance for pediatric residential facilities’ staff related to infection prevention of COVID-19, multidrug-resistant organisms including C. auris, Mpox, and updates on standard precautions, respiratory hygiene, safe injection practices, vaccination, screening of visitors, and other IPC topics. The authors revised and expanded on the supportive materials for staff and for visitors, available with the manuscript under “Supplementary Material.”

Authors: Guzman-Cottrill JA, Blatt DB, Bryant KA, McGrath CL, Zerr DM, Rosenthal A, Kociolek LK, Murphy C, Ravin KA

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