Priority Issues

The following is a list of SHEA’s key priority issues including a summary of the problem, proposed solutions, and SHEA’s strategy for achieving the society’s goals.

  • Preventing the Spread of Antimicrobial Resistance

    Antibiotic resistant infections arise when the bacteria causing an infection in a patient no longer responds to available antibiotics. Such infections lead to severe illness or death. Antibiotic resistance is one of the most serious and urgent global public health threats of our time. The federal government must invest in a long-term global strategy that supports infrastructure, new technology, and innovative research. Antimicrobial Resistance Solutions Initiative invests in national infrastructure to detect, respond, contain, and prevent resistant infections across healthcare and other settings.

    Read more about SHEA’s advocacy for the Antibiotic Resistance Solutions Initiative

    Antibiotic Resistance Solutions Initiative Fact Sheet

    Fighting Antibiotic Resistance in Healthcare Facilities Fact Sheet

    Antimicrobial Resistance Investment Map and Funding

  • National Healthcare Safety Network

    The National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) is our nation’s tracking and response system for healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and multi-drug resistant organisms (MDROs) on a facility, state, federal level. Modernization of the NHSN is made possible through the American Rescue Plan of 2021 and these investments expand capacity for more robust and automated data collection and reporting. To support a fully modernized NHSN now and in the future, Congress must act now to ensure the availability of sustainable annual appropriations.

    Read more about SHEA advocacy for NHSN

    NHSN Fact Sheet

  • Research Investments to Prevent Healthcare-Associated Infections

    Comprehensive infection prevention and antibiotic stewardship programs play a vital role in reducing rates of healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and the prevalence of multidrug resistant organisms. The healthcare epidemiology and antimicrobial stewardship research communities have a proven track record of developing and implementing effective strategies through rigorous studies, thereby reshaping clinical practices to combat HAIs and the proliferation of MDROs. Effective preventative strategies decrease healthcare costs while improving the quality of healthcare delivery and patient outcomes. Robust federal investments in this area of research are the backbone of national and global commitment to beating antimicrobial resistance and preventable HAIs.

    Read more about SHEA advocacy for HAI and antibiotic stewardship research funded by the AHRQ.

    AHRQ Research in Healthcare-Associated Infections

    Read more about SHEA advocacy for expanding at the National Institutes of Health.

    Antimicrobial resistance research at the NIAID

  • Pandemic Preparedness

    The COVID-19 pandemic exposed many of the preexisting problems within the US healthcare system in our ability to prepare for and respond to infectious disease public health emergencies. Ultimately, the lessons of COVID-19 illustrate the need to better prepare for the next pandemic. Rising microbial resistance, emerging and re-emerging pathogens, increased globalization, an aging population, and climate change are all factors that increase the likelihood of another pandemic. We also learned that widespread misinformation or disinformation and political divisions eroded trust in the public health system and prevented an even uptake of mitigation measures, vaccines and therapeutics, impeding our ability to contain the spread of the virus in this country.

    SHEA has developed a roadmap for modernizing pandemic preparedness for policymakers and influencers leading the charge to ensure our nation is ready for the next infectious disease public health emergency. Our policy position is outlined in a series of white papers and provide public policy recommendations in the following areas:

    • Workforce Resilience. We seek the implementation of federal policies to ensure a robust, dynamic, and cross-trained healthcare workforce during current and future pandemic states, including those with expertise in healthcare epidemiology and infection control.
    • Effective Communications. Dissemination of a unified messaging approach is key to building consensus across public health agencies, scientific experts, and media to build trust and prevent misinformation.
    • Mitigating Supply Chain Shortages. We must secure a robust supply chain and strategies for delivery of devise, supplies and therapeutics required for patient care and personal protective equipment for healthcare personnel to areas of need quickly and efficiently.
    • Emerging Infectious Disease Threats. We have to be prepared for microbial threats including emerging, re-emerging, and endemic microbes that have the potential to cause pandemics in a dynamic environment.
    • Data Management. Sound public policy supports the coordination and enhancement of efficiency of data collection, analysis, and reporting transparency across different public health and regulatory agencies (e.g. CDC, CMS, state health departments).

    SUMMARY: SHEA Policy Recommendations for Pandemic Preparedness

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